Fighting Small Business Burglary During the Holidays

Washington state is not immune to the business burglary crime wave sweeping the nation this holiday season. In Everett last week, an arrest was made after police pieced together evidence from 30 burglary cases that happened within one mile of each other. Other business theft, including smash-and-grab burglaries, have been reported in Puget Sound and Tacoma throughout November and December. If you own any kind of retail business, this is the time you need protection the most. Here are a few suggestions for reducing your risk of becoming the next small business burglary victim in Washington over the holidays.
Consider Adding Cameras
Maybe you started out with a single camera setup to watch over the merchandise floor, but the current crime wave calls for extra surveillance coverage. Outdoor cameras are now a necessity in order to capture everyone from organized smash-and-grab burglars to individuals who might otherwise transition from loitering to burglary. If you have existing surveillance that’s working out well, we can add on more cameras and integrate everything to work together as one comprehensive system.
See Value in Video Analytics
In the Everett case, most of the evidence that led to the apprehension was video surveillance footage of the suspect on a bicycle. It’s an excellent example of police using the video surveillance from multiple businesses to investigate crimes, identify the suspect and make an arrest. One additional service that can assist with these investigations is video analytics. It can help business owners, security staff and law enforcement locate specific camera images on demand. This can speed up investigations and hold criminals accountable more quickly.
Embrace Glass Break Detection
Glass break detection can be your secret weapon in defending against smash and grab burglary. When thieves smash your windows or cases, the sound of the breaking glass can trigger a piercing alarm, and hopefully send the criminals fleeing without your merchandise. In a time when so many crimes follow the smash and grab model, you can’t afford to be without this technology in your security strategy.
This holiday season, you don’t want your business to be victimized. We can help you protect it from thieves who would steal your products and your profits. To get started with a complimentary security consultation, call Guardian Security today.
About Guardian Security Systems, Inc.
For over 40 years, Guardian Security has been at the forefront of custom commercial security, fire, and communication systems integration in Washington State. Contact us today to learn more.
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